
KACTUS Biosystems

KACTUS specializes in providing high-purity, high-activity, recombinant protein and enzyme products for a range of fields including antibody drug discovery, immunotherapy, gene therapy, and mRNA therapeutics. KACTUS catalog selection of 2500+ ready-made recombinant proteins includes various targets, species, tags, and labels. KACTUS products are developed using our proprietary protein engineering platform, SAMS™. 3D protein structures are optimized using advanced bioinformatics, structural analysis, and 3D modeling. Multiple protein constructs are tested in various expression conditions to optimize activity, yield, and configuration. Using this platform, the KACTUS team has produced difficult-to-express targets such as CCR8 and Claudin 18.2. KACTUS has also developed VLP-displayed antigens, MHC complexes, AAV ELISA kits, DNA Amplification enzymes, Laminin 521, and GMP-Grade mRNA and gene therapy enzymes.