Mycobacteria DNA Detection Kit

1503602: MycoSHENTEKTM Mycobacteria DNA Detection Kit

Mycobacteria DNA Detection Kit

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HZSKBIO Mycobacteria DNA Detection Kit (1503602) is used, together with Mycobacteria DNA Extraction Kit, to qualitatively determine whether there is Mycobacteria contamination in cells, cell culture-derived biologicals, etc., using real-time qPCR techonology.

SKU: 1503602
Catalog No. 1503602
Product NameMycobacteria DNA Detection Kit
Supplier Name HZSKBIO
Brand Name MycoSHENTEKTM
Shipping Shipped at Room Temp.
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1503602: MycoSHENTEKTM Mycobacteria DNA Detection Kit

Product Overview
MycoSHENTEKTM Mycobacteria DNA Detection Kit(catalog number: 1503602) is used, together with MycoSHENTEKTM Mycobacteria DNA Extraction Kit, to qualitatively determine whether there is Mycobacteria contamination in cells, cell culture-derived biologicals, etc., using real-time qPCR techonology. The integrated system has been fully validated at a detection limit of 10-100 CFU/mL to detect more than 100 different Mycobacteria species. The system contains dUTP, and if used with the UNG enzyme to prevent contamination and eliminate carry-over contamination Internal Control (IC) can be added to a PCR amplification reaction mixture to evaluate whether a test sample inhibits the amplification reaction and may result in false negative results. It can also be added to the sample before extraction to evaluate the extraction efficiency. For extraction information, please refer to MycoSHENTEKTM Mycobacteria DNA.


Recovery:at least 90% to fg/μL

Repeatability:CV no more than 15%

Mycobacteria DNA Extraction Kit contents and storage

Reagent Part No. Quantity Storage
MB qPCR Reaction Buff NNB011 400 μL × 1 tube -20℃, protect from light
M protect from light B Primer & Probe MIX NNC035 75 μL × 1 tube
MB Internal Control (IC) NNA037 600 μL × 1 tube -20℃
MB Positive Control (PC) NNA041 500 μL × 1 tube
DNA Dilution Buffer(DDB) NND001 1.5 mL × 1 tube

The kit components can be stored at appropriate conditions for up to 24 months.

Applied instruments, including but not limited to the following
SHENTEK-96S Real-time PCR System
CFX96 Real-Time PCR System
7500 Real-Time PCR Sys

Materials required (Not included in the Kit)
Nonstick, RNase-free microfuge tubes, 1.5mL, 2.0mL
PCR 8-well strip tubes with caps or 96-well plates with seals
Low retention filter tips 1000μL, 100μL, 10μL
75% Ethanol
UNG enzyme (Please check the effective amount for best use.)

Related equipment
Laminar flow cabinet or biosafety cabinet
Benchtop microcentrifuge & PCR strip/plate centrifuge
Microplate and micro test tube shaker
Vortex mixer
Real-time PCR System
Pipettes, 1000μL, 100μL, 10μL

Please remember our product information: Mycobacteria DNA Detection Kit catalog number: 1503602 MycoSHENTEKTM.

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