Which anti-mouse PD1 antibody works the best?
Question: Which anti-mouse PD1 antibody works the best?
Answer: There are several anti-mouse PD1 antibodies available in the market: Clones RMP1-14, 29F.1A12, and J43. All three of these antibodies are commonly used to block PD-1 signaling in vivo in murine tumor models and other mouse models. These three clones all have extensive multi-year publication records supporting them. The RMP1-14 antibody has been reported to block the binding of PD-1 to its ligands (B7-H1 and B7-DC) and to inhibit T cell proliferation and cytokine production costimulated by macrophages (but not by dendritic cells and B cells). (by Syd Labs) Syd Labs offers anti-mouse PD-1 monoclonal antibodies based on the sequences of clones RMP1-14 and 29F.1A12. Syd Labs provides in vivo grade recombinant antibodies including engineered antibodies for the clones RMP1-14 and 29F.1A12. Even though mouse and rat are close, rat antibodies may still induce immunogenecity in mice. Antibodies with murinized variable regions and mouse constant regions behave like humanized antibody drugs in animal models using mice. In addition, the mouse IgG2c antibody is produced in certain inbred strains such as C57BL/6, C57BL/10, SJL, and NOD, which does not express the mouse IgG2a antibody; the mouse IgG2a antibody is produced in other inbred strains such as BALB/c and Swiss Webster mice, which does not express the mouse IgG2c antibody. If one uses the C57BL/6 mouse strain for animal model research, it is better to use the IgG2c antibodies rather than the IgG2a antibodies. The format with the Fc silenced, Fc silent, or Fcs with silenced effector function, such as LALAPG mutation, is the most popular for anti-mouse PD1 antibodies (clones RMP1-14 and 29F.1A12) and anti-mouse PD-L1 antibodies (clone 10F.9G2).
Syd Labs provides the following anti-mouse PD-L1 / PD-1 antibodies::
In Vivo Grade Recombinant Anti-mouse PD-1 Mouse IgG2c Kappa Monoclonal Antibody (Clone 29F.1A12.1)
In Vivo Grade Recombinant Anti-mouse PD-1 Rabbit IgG Monoclonal Antibody (Clone 29F.1A12.1)
In Vivo Grade Recombinant Anti-mouse PD-1 Rat IgG2a Kappa Monoclonal Antibody (Clone 29F.1A12.1)
In Vivo Grade Recombinant Anti-mouse PD-1 Mouse IgG1 Kappa Monoclonal Antibody (Clone 29F.1A12.1)
In Vivo Grade Recombinant Anti-mouse PD-1 Mouse IgG2a Kappa Monoclonal Antibody (Clone 29F.1A12.1)
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