Search Results - GLS

ABflo® 488 Rabbit anti-Human CD146 mAb (A22520)

ABflo® 488 Rabbit anti-Human CD146 mAb (A22520)

Abclonal ABflo® 488 Rabbit anti-Human CD146 mAb (Catalog Number: A22520) Melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM, MUC18, CD146) is an immunoglobulin superfamily member originally described as a cell surface adhesion protein and marker of the progression...

ABflo® 647 Rabbit anti-Human CD146 mAb (A22521)

Abclonal ABflo® 647 Rabbit anti-Human CD146 mAb (Catalog Number: A22521) Melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM, MUC18, CD146) is an immunoglobulin superfamily member originally described as a cell surface adhesion protein and marker of the progression...