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Proteinase K Solution, RNA Grade (20 mg/ml): MB116 Syd Labs

Proteinase K Solution, RNA Grade (20 mg/ml)

Syd Labs Proteinase K Solution, RNA Grade (20 mg/ml) MB116, cheapest proteinase K solution, recombinant, molecular biology grade, PCR grade, NGS grade, chip grade, RNA Grade, for protein digestion, DNA extraction, RNA purification, direct PCR,...

Proteinase K Solution, CHIP Grade (20 mg/ml): MB115 Syd Labs

Proteinase K Solution, CHIP Grade (20 mg/ml)

Syd Labs Proteinase K Solution, CHIP Grade (20 mg/ml) MB115, cheapest proteinase K solution, recombinant, molecular biology grade, PCR grade, NGS grade, chip grade, RNA Grade, for protein digestion, DNA extraction, RNA purification, direct PCR,...

Proteinase K Solution, NGS Grade (20 mg/ml): MB114 Syd Labs

Proteinase K Solution, NGS Grade (20 mg/ml)

Syd Labs Proteinase K Solution, NGS Grade (20 mg/ml) MB114, cheapest proteinase K solution, recombinant, molecular biology grade, PCR grade, NGS grade, chip grade, RNA Grade, for protein digestion, DNA extraction, RNA purification, direct PCR,...

Proteinase K Powder: MB111 Syd Labs

Proteinase K Powder

Syd Labs Proteinase K Powder MB111, cheapest proteinase K powder, recombinant, molecular biology grade, PCR grade, NGS grade, chip grade, RNA Grade, for protein digestion, DNA extraction, RNA purification, direct PCR, and genotyping. low price...

Proteinase K Solution, PCR Grade (20 mg/ml): MB112 Syd Labs

Proteinase K Solution, PCR Grade (20 mg/ml)

Syd Labs Proteinase K Solution, PCR Grade (20 mg/ml) MB112, cheapest proteinase K solution, recombinant, molecular biology grade, PCR grade, NGS grade, chip grade, RNA Grade, for protein digestion, DNA extraction, RNA purification, direct PCR,...

Fluorophore Labeling Service

protein and antibody fluorophore conjugation services (fluorophore labeling services, dye conjugation services or dye labeling services): labeling proteins or antibodies with all commercially available dyes (fluorescent molecules) for various applications such as FACS, fluorescent microscopy,...

Fc Fusion Protein Production Services

Extensive experience with making DNA constructs for Fc fusion protein production, expressing and purifying a number of Fc fusion proteins from microgram to kilogram scales in mammalian cells, such as CHO and HEK 293 cells.