Search Results - RAN

Safectine RU50 DNA Transfection Kit: MB088-450-20 Syd Labs

Safectine RU50 DNA Transfection Kit

Syd Labs Safectine RU50 DNA Transfection Kit MB088-450-20, Safectine RU50 DNA Transfection Kit for DNA transfection to mammalian cells. Simplest transfection protocol - ready to use, just mix with DNA and vortex; Superior transfection efficiency;...

5G First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit with gDNA Elimination Function: MB037-5G Syd Labs

First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit

Syd Labs 5G First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit with gDNA Elimination Function MB037-5G, First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kits (reverse transcription) with gDNA Elimination Function provides a fast and efficient procedure for reverse transcription and genomic...

M-MLV(H-) Reverse Transcriptase: MB036-MM Syd Labs

M-MLV(H-) Reverse Transcriptase

Syd Labs M-MLV(H-) Reverse Transcriptase MB036-MM, Reverse Transcriptase, the major component of first strand cDNA synthesis kit with gDNA elimination function, efficiently perform reverse transcription at 37°C, resistant to most RT-PCR inhibitors, avoid inhibition of...