Search Results - LPL

CD4 Rabbit mAb (A19018)

CD4 Rabbit mAb (A19018)

Abclonal CD4 Rabbit mAb (A19018) encodes the CD4 membrane glycoprotein of T lymphocytes. The CD4 antigen acts as a coreceptor with the T-cell receptor on the T lymphocyte to recognize antigens displayed by an antigen...

Progesterone Receptor Rabbit mAb (A19697)

Progesterone Receptor Rabbit mAb (A19697)

Abclonal Progesterone Receptor Rabbit mAb (Catalog Number: A19697) encodes a member of the steroid receptor superfamily. The encoded protein mediates the physiological effects of progesterone, which plays a central role in reproductive events associated with...