RNase, RNA and DNA Remover R504

Vazyme RNase, RNA and DNA Remover (R504)

RNase, RNA and DNA Remover R504


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Vazyme RNase, RNA and DNA Remover (R504):RNase, RNA and DNA Remover is a RNA enzyme and nucleic acid remover. It is a nontoxic spray agent, and is used to remove the RNA enzyme stains on the surface of the experiment table and centrifuge tube. At the same time, it also can be used to establish a operating enviroment without DNA and RNA.

SKU: R504
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Catalog No. R504
Product NameRNase, RNA and DNA Remover R504
Supplier Name Vazyme International LLC
Brand Name Vazyme
Order Offline Phone: 1-617-401-8149 Fax: 1-617-606-5022 Email: message@sydlabs.com Orleave a message with a formal purchase order (PO) Or credit card.


R504:RNase, RNA and DNA Remover

Product Introduction

RNase, RNA and DNA Remover is a RNA enzyme and nucleic acid remover. It is a nontoxic spray agent, and is used to remove the RNA enzyme stains on the surface of the experiment table and centrifuge tube. At the same time, it also can be used to establish a operating enviroment without DNA and RNA.

Please remember our product information: RNase, RNA and DNA Remover catalog number: R504 Vazyme.

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250 mL

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